Amazing Animals of the Great Barrier Reef
Part of the World Heritage Sites and considered one of the Seven Wonders of the World,
The Great Barrier Reef is a breath taking beauty that is home to one of the most diverse ecosystems in the world.
The animals that live there are amazing and can be seen on one of the many different tours available to the many who want to witness nature at its best.
There are mammals that live off the sea grasses that grow in shallow inshore waters such as dugongs.
These large grey mammals live in tropical waters and are docile. They get air by surfacing to breathe through nostrils near the top of their heads.
There are whales and dolphins that swim the Great Barrier Reef, 30 species of these mammals visit the Great Barrier Reef but not all stay for long periods of time.
The Humpback Whale uses these waters to breed and then use the reef as a nursery to raise their young for the long migration back to the Antarctic.
Spinner Dolphins visit the waters as well as the Irrawaddy River Dolphins. Irrawaddy River dolphin of the Great Barrier Reef can be seen from June to October.
Reptiles also call the Great Barrier Reef home, 23 species of them in fact.
The snakes of the reef are all poisonous and should be avoided.
There are the turtle headed snake, olive sea snake and the krait.
There are 17 species of sea snakes you should be aware of and avoid! Saltwater crocodiles hang out in the mangrove. Most of these reptiles can be seen on guided tours.
6 species of turtles live on the reef.
These will include the loggerhead turtle, the leatherback turtles and the hawksbill that all nest on the coral cays.

The green and leatherback turtles nest on the mainland of Australia.
The flatback turtles nests on continental islands.
The Great Barrier Reef sources are also used by large variety of birds.
You’ll not only see the normal shore birds such as the white bellied sea eagle and the roseate tern that nest or roost on the main island that the reef supports.
As well 22 species sea birds but you’ll also notice a bird call Nightjars.
These mid sized birds have large wings and look out of balance because their legs and beck are short.
They are a nocturnal bird that feeds on insects and moths at night or early mornings.
They nest on the bare ground. They will pick up the eggs in their beaks and move them out of danger.
They have colours of bark and leaves with distinct markings so they can hide easily.
These amazing birds preferred habit is Bracken.
Fish are a primary species of wildlife of the Great Barrier Reef.
With more than 1500 species of fish, the photo ops are numerous.

There are pufferfish, clownfish, angelfish, butterfly fish and 9 species of sea horses just to name a few.
Fishing is also a big tourist attraction to the Great Barrier Reef.
There is cod, trout, sea perch and sole to fish for.
So for an amazing fishing trip for a photo shoot or to hook a big one to tell tales about The Great Barrier Reef is the place to go.
Please let’s not forget the 125 species of shark.
With close to 5000 species of mollusc that call the reef home, there is the Giant Clam, Cone Snails, and nudibranchs.
What an amazing array of animals the Great Barrier Reef have living on this World Heritage Site.
With 600 island, 300 coral cays and 2900 coral reefs we cannot forget one of the smallest forms of life that make up the Great Coral Reef and that is a tiny organism.
All these billions of tiny life forms make up this unbelievably beautiful reef with all its amazing colors and formations.
Talk about a photo op, WOW!
The organisms are known as coral polyps.
Coral skeletons have been found to date back ½ million years. 600,000 years ago is the earliest evidence of a complete reef built by these coral polyps.
The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority (GBRMPA) has a belief that the current living reef has been growing on the older platform about 20,000 years.
Spawning gametes breed in mass spawning events that is triggered by the rising sea temps of spring and summer. Both hard and soft coral live on the reef.
There are tours that can be booked for different locations of the Great Barrier Reef.
You’ll be able to experience all the animal life that share the reef.
Fishing boats can be booked for a fantastic fishing trip you’ll be talking about for years.
So isn’t this is the time to see one of the most amazing natural sites in the world?
You must see and experience the beauty of the Great Coral Reef. So book a vacation of a life time.